What 2019 Means To Me

2018 was a whirlwind of a year, to say the least. 
Everything that happened within the last year definitely helped to shape me into a completely new person, but one that I love the most out of all my 18 years of existence. I have a newfound strength, confidence and passion for all the things I love and plan to embark on, as well as a new outlook on life.

Anyways, enough with the sappiness - it's only the second day of the year. I am currently in the last six months of my A-levels and have different feelings towards it but upon evaluation, they always return to positive thoughts. Having anxiety around things especially like exams - a process I'm all too familiar with having sat my GCSEs a little under two years ago - it is very easy to fall into negative thoughts and feel overwhelmed however I have been actively trying to refrain from doing so. I do so by taking long (and needed) breaks from social media, as it's easy to compare yourselves to all the people in your position who are seemingly having more fun yet achieving good grades and just 'doing better generally' when they might not be and need to remind ourselves that social media itself is just one big shitty filter of reality. I also try to eat healthily and drink more water, rather than drink fizzy, energy or caffeinated drinks which do all kinds of horrible things to your body and also stain your teeth or give you cavities, which is a big no-no. Lastly, I tried more so than I ever have before to become more organised and plan out my days. Having a weekend job, school and just life generally can be hard to tackle in heated times but planning it out allows me to visually see what my weeks/months will look like and not feel as stressed. 

If that didn't seem like enough, I'm also awaiting offers back from universities. I have heard back from two already (both have been the outcome I was hoping for, if not more) and am in the process of building my portfolio for my other options I'm yet to hear from, which are required in the application process. So as implied from this overload of information, time-management and organisation are completely necessary this year - which will then launch me into a good position in life generally.

All that being said, I am so excited for what this year holds and have a lot planned, aside from academia, that I'll soon be embarking on which will hopefully put me in a good position for what I end up doing in life (easier said than done considering I want to do absolutely everything) but definitely hopeful, excited and most importantly, positive!

That's me signing off now. Until the next post...

- Aswan <3


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