Know Your Worth!!

*Due to lack of commitment on my blog, I have decided to post just another to last you at least two weeks, unless I find it absolutely necessary to write another! I hope this makes up for the time I've been gone. Who am I kidding? Hahaha, but ENJOY!*
P.S. I wrote this during the Christmas holidays and never got to uploading it, I guess now's the right time eh?

Ok so i just HAVE to write about this because it is/has been really bugging me lately and i know i'll probably get A LOT of hate for this BUT oh well here goes...

Why do some of you young girls feel the need to lower your standards for boys? Or become "slutty" in some kind of way when you get into relationships?
I know in a way we all really want to impress the boy we like and in modern-day society, revealing more of our body might just do that. But why should young -in particular- teenage girls feel like we need to do that? 
Surely, if a boy well and truly liked you, he would like you because of more than just your body parts and what you have to "offer". What ever happened to generally liking a person because of their personality or their charm? 
Don't get me wrong dating or crushing on someone who is attractive is a MEGA bonus but don't just go for their looks. Actually TAKE THE TIME to study their personality and goals.
TRUST ME I'm a victim of falling for attractive boys (go have a look at one of my previous posts) and it will only result in you getting hurt. I did. 
Take your time!
Keep your standards high, WAYYY HIGH and don't lower them for ANYONE!
Why not play hard to get? 
Don't show them your an easy target - that just means they'll take advantage of you and possibly pressure you into doing things you'd never in your life want to be apart of.

Yeah, it's absolutely ok to dress up, who doesn't love putting on makeup and rocking a killer outfit? But it reaches a point where "dressing up" really isn't dressing up anymore. Come on girls, we shouldn't make ourselves to be sexual tools for anyone - nor should boys think that it is right to treat any girl as one. Things can and WILL change, but we have to be the change we want to see. 
Also, hang onto your childhood!
Don't try to grow up too quickly and then wait until older to realize that it's too late to. 
Make it one to live for!

All i'm saying is, don't change for anyone.
People who really and truly love you, will love you for you!
AND when you realize they do, it will honestly be one of the best feelings ever and you will have wished you never changed!
Being yourself brings you some of the best opportunities/experiences and most amazing relationships and friendships, and what more could you want?

Would you really risk all of that...for a boy?
It's not worth it!

Know your worth, pick up your crown and don't let it fall.

Love yourself and be YOU!

Aswan Rosa-Marie



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