Being "Popular"

If you go to a secondary school, you've certainly heard this word. Probably A LOT!
I know I certainly have.

I'm sorry, correct me if I'm wrong, but I am so sick of girls and boys my age being so desperate to fit in with the "popular" crowd. What are the popular crowd going to do for you anyways? Other than bring you down, and not only you, but your grades and your number of friends too. And how do I know this? Because it happened to me. Oh yes! And it hit me like a ton of bricks. It felt like within 24 hours I had lost all those who I had considered my "real friends", those who I was counting on to be there for me in my times of need. But nope. They all went, although I'm pretty sure they were never there anyway. My grades? They began to plummet and I was heading into GCSE mode. If I didn't pick up my A-game quick, I would've been heading to the lowest of the lows.

I remember when I used to be that girl.
That girl that was always surrounded by people. Always being invited to parties. Always being used as a form of competition, so people could do better.
This went on for what felt like forever...up until recently.
I had finally, FINALLY realized I had had enough and I wasn't willing to go through anyone's crap anymore.
I didn't want to be surrounded by people every moment and step of my school life, but just by those who I loved as sisters. Those who really cared about and loved me.
I no longer agreed to the idea of being brought down about literally EVERYTHING! I'm talking about my personal life, my appearance, the way I dressed, the way I wore my makeup, how well I did in school. I was just DONE.

So, I put a stop to it.
I ended all the bad friendships I was in, and moved on and found better friends! Girls who I now proudly call my family, my sisters. And I wouldn't have it any other way to be quite honest, because my life although a bit faulty at times, couldn't get any better than it is now.

The "popular" crowd will always be there. Lurking at every corner summoning more followers, and adding more stress to your life than needed. Walking around the place thinking they are better than everyone and can let you down. But guess what? They can't.
And they won't, only if YOU don't let them. 

Always remember that being "popular" in life doesn't always get you somewhere. It's better to be yourself but...extraordinary! (Yeah...I like the sound of that :))

Give it a try. 
Cut out all the negative.
Bring in the positive.
Make better friendships.
Be happy :)
And don't let anyone ruin that.

Aswan Rosa-Marie, 


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